‘The Bridge’ Op Shop

34B Fawkner St Westmeadows
Wednesday 10:00am – 3:00pm
Thursday 10:00am – 3:00pm
Friday 10:00am – 3:00pm
Saturday 10:00am – 12noon
Donations Accepted (No electrical goods please)
St. Paul’s is one of Victoria’s oldest churches.
Bishop Perry laid the foundation stone on January 15th, 1850. (The stone has yet to be found.) The building cost 438 pounds to build. The first service was held on September 25th, 1850.
A ‘garden of memory’ was created in late 1960 along the north side of the church to receive the interment of the earthly remains of parishioners.
In 1974, there was a fire lit by vandals that destroyed much of the sanctuary. The altar, credence table, and many church furnishings were burned, and a hole was burned into the sanctuary floor.
The original vicarage was built in 1857 and sold in 1928. (It still stands across the road.) Another vicarage was built and also sold in 1959.The present vicarage was built in 1974 and stands to the east, adjacent to the church.

About us
We are a small, welcoming community in the Anglican tradition.
We join together for social events at various times of the year.
Baptism, Weddings and Funerals are arranged with the parish priest.
Phone: 03 9309 5061
Email: info@anglicanwestmeadowsbulla.com.au